Source : http://www.extensor.co.uk/
Dear Leaders,
Firstly, it may not be too late to wish you a ‘Happy New Year 2009’ and hope that you had great Christmas and New Year celebrations with family and friends.
As you know, we completed a series of Leadership Fundamental Training at the end of last year and being one of the participants, we would like to thank and congratulate you for completing the programme. Obviously, your contribution has enhanced the learning process and benefited others.
As a continuation of our effort to encourage continuous learning in our Organisation, we are pleased to bring you ‘Leadership Fundamentals Follow-Up Programme’ and welcome you to our ‘Leadership Fundamentals Blog’, the main platform or communication channel for this programme.
The objectives of this follow-up programme are as follows :-
- To identify the key learning outcome from the session and encourage participants to establish an action plan in order to put things into practice.
- To identify further development required by participants.
- To support participants’ learning process in enhancing their Leadership Skills by providing learning material, tips, feedback, etc.
- To act as a platform for sharing best practices among the participants.
This blog is developed and managed by SDMG (NZ) Limited HR Department and will be updated on a fortnighly basis.We welcome any ideas and comments in order to make it more informative and effective. Should you have any comments or inputs, please leave your name and contact email or you may email directly to zahidi.ishak@simedarby.co.nz
We are looking forward for your continuous support and participation in this programme and thanking you in advance for visiting our blog.
As a start, we have compiled a lot of ideas which was contributed by the participants throughout the sessions and will be published in the next posting.The ideas are based on how Leaders can play their role in order to create a good working environment. We believed that the ideas are simple, cost effective, practical and could give positive impact to the people that we lead.
Till then,
Happy working and ...

source : http://www.extrememortman.com
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